All About Chiropractic
Chiropractic Care and Auto Injuries
According to the Insurance Research Council, about one-third of individuals injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) seek chiropractic treatment.
According to the Insurance Research Council, about one-third of individuals injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) seek chiropractic treatment. This is a significant figure, especially considering that the National Safety Council reports over 12 million MVAs annually, involving more than 20 million vehicles.
The reason so many people choose chiropractic care for injuries sustained in MVAs is straightforward—chiropractic is highly effective in treating soft tissue injuries, particularly those affecting the spine. Since sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments are the most common injuries in MVAs, chiropractic care naturally becomes the preferred treatment option.
Numerous studies support the preference for chiropractic care among those injured in MVAs. For example, a study of 190 whiplash injury victims found that those who received chiropractic treatment reported 100% satisfaction with their care.

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