The Total Wellness

First Visit

Upon entering the office, we have some brief paperwork for you to fill out

Upon arrival, you’ll be asked to complete some brief paperwork. This helps us gather basic information about you and your condition.

The Consultation
After the paperwork is done, you will have a discussion with the doctor about your health concerns and treatment options.

Histories and Examinations
To understand the nature of your issue, the doctor will ask questions related to your condition. Specialized tests will also be conducted to identify the affected tissues and assess the extent of the problem.

The X-ray Studies
Depending on your condition, we may recommend x-rays to rule out any serious underlying issues or to help create the most effective treatment plan for you.

The Same-Day Treatment
After completing the examination and any necessary studies, you will typically receive your first treatment during this visit.

Home Instructions
Before you leave, you will be given specific instructions for home care. This could include applying heat or ice, avoiding certain activities or positions, and performing at-home exercises or stretches.

Schedule Follow-up Appointment
A follow-up appointment will be scheduled for you, usually within 1-2 days. During this visit, you’ll receive a full review of the findings, and potential treatment options will be discussed.

Making better choices impacts your everyday life. Learn how Chiropractic Care can help.